The Amazing Altiplano

May 25, 2012 by Karen

The Amazing Altiplano

‘The harsh, at times almost primeval geography of the Southern Altiplano will tug at the heartstrings of those with a deep love of bleak and solitary places. ……… it encompasses majestic volcanic peaks, wide treeless wildernesses and the white emptiness of the salares, eerie salt deserts almost devoid of life. There’s something really otherworldly about the zone, enhanced by shimmering heat hazes and bizarre rock formations. At night, the starscapes are truly incredible, worth enduring the bitter after-dark temperatures for. For it can get seriously cold here; the altitude combined with scouring winds and lack of shelter or vegetation can sometimes make traveling here something of an endurance test, particularly when few of the accommodations are heated.’

Lonely Planet Bolivia

We took a four day tour from Tupiza to the Southern Bolivian Altiplano through Hostal Salares. Words can not really express all of the amazing things we saw. Photos cannot truly capture them either but here are a selection of our favourite shots. These images are from Day 1, 2 and 3 of the tour.


Flamingos in Laguna Colorada.



More flamingos in Laguna Hedionda ( foul smelling lake)


Arbol de Piedra (the tree of rock)


A rare Viscacha, a rabbit like creature with a long tail.


Llama city


Quebrada de Pelala


San Antonio or mini Maccupichu as it is known.

A town believed to be cursed by the devil.


Not our jeep thankfully!



Laguna Colorada


The salt Hostal where even the bed bases were made from salt! This was our accomodation on the last night and believe me we deserved the luxury!


Laguna Verde


Laguna Colorada again!


Nick braved the cold to get this shot of the incredible night sky!

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