Did you know the Rubik’s Cube was invented by a Hungarian?

November 20, 2012 by Karen

Did you know the Rubik’s Cube was invented by a Hungarian?
We didn't know any Hungarian inventions until we took the 'Free' (Tip based) walking tour with the lovely Bianca. We also thought we were staying in Buda before the tour started by then realised we were in Pest!
The view over Pest from the Castle district in Buda.
Houses of Parliment inspired by the Houses of Parliment in London.
Matthias church
Some more views over Pest as the sun was setting on our walk back home.
We visited St. Stephen's Basilica, a beautiful catholic church which houses the mumified right hand of Saint Stephen. Apparently one of his fingers, obviously from his left hand, is in a museum or church in Melbourne!
Inside the church where tourists had obviously made a nuisance of themselves in the past!
We spent a lot of time just wondering around, admiring the beautiful buildings and soaking up the atmosphere.
Hero's square
One day we braved the long bus ride out to Memento Park.
'Memento Park is not merely a remarkable museum but also a completely different world! Through its display of the communist period, the theme park is a reminder of the overthrow of a dictatorship. Public statues fashioned in the years of socialism and subsequently removed from the streets and squares of Budapest after the change of political system in 1989-90 make this a dramatic and powerful historical openair gallery. It is a final glimpse behind the Iron Curtain and has become one of the most popular sights of Budapest. In short: hundreds of tons of communism!'

Memento Park website

We stayed at this gorgeous studio apartment we found on airbnb.


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